Recruitment Practices Tripartite Standard by TAFEP
November 30, 2018
A year ago, we adopted the Tripartite Standard on the Employment of Term Contract Employees by Tripartite Alliance of Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP). In commitment to being a fair and progressive employer, we are excited to announce that we have adopted the Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices this year!
The Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices was launched in November last year by Second Minister for Manpower, Ms. Josephine Teo. The purpose of this standard is to facilitate fair, merit-based, and inclusive hiring practices that will benefit organizations by broadening the pool of candidates in recruitment.
The Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices was launched in November last year by Second Minister for Manpower, Ms. Josephine Teo. The purpose of this standard is to facilitate fair, merit-based, and inclusive hiring practices that will benefit organizations by broadening the pool of candidates in recruitment.
There are three specifications to adopting this tripartite standard:

It is essential for us to adopt these standards, especially when we are an Executive Search and Recruitment firm. We represent not just ourselves but also our clients. All our consultants at CTES have attended TAFEP’s course on fair recruitment practices and are trained to conduct fair and unbiased interviews. Every candidate has the right to be considered for a job that is based on merit. Know your rights and keep yourself informed on the Tripartite Standards. Visit the Ministry of Manpower's website or TAFEP's website for more information!
Topic(s): World News and Insights
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