
Article(s) under topic: "Work Relationships"

banner for the articleCTES proud to Co-sponsor 900 Years old Norwegian Choir to Perform in Esplanade Concert Hall
20 and 21 October 2017

Few things make us happier than helping you attain a fulfilling career where passion meets aspiration. In the contemporary work environment where we strive to perform to the best of our ability, work-related stress may seem unavoidable. CTES is happiest when we are also able to contribute in creating positive work health for our candidates.
To further our cause in delivering holistic customer care, we are proud to be in collaboration with Licha Stelaus Productions to pres...

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banner for the articleThe Way Forward: A Better Workplace for All

Building an organization that provides the best possible work environment and a place where employees feel they can actively contribute is pertinent to CTES. Given that our employees spend more than 70% of their waking hours at work, we owe it to them to provide a great workplace so they can be motivated, positive, appreciated and engaged. In a recent group meeting with our employees, we discussed the employees' definition of a great workplace and asked f...

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